Tuesday, May 23, 2006

There is Good News

Sheile School-Back to School in Style

MOSUL, Iraq – A newly constructed school located in the center of Dahuk will provide service to approximately 840 students and 36 teachers.

This new two-story complex consists of a 12-room classroom school with a detached exterior lavatory building, a play-yard and a generator building; all of which is surrounded by a three-meter high perimeter wall.

The exterior and interior walls are of masonry construction with a concrete super structure and terrazzo tile flooring. The exterior wall finishes are cut stone and plaster.

“The architectural design and material selection was made by a local Iraqi engineer in coordination with the Director General of Education and then provided to the Dahuk Residence Office,” said Joshua Adekanbi, Dahuk resident engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The DG of Education uses a standard primary school design with the same floor plan. Since the plans are recycled, varied exterior architectural elements are chosen for each school.

This $460,000 project was funded by the Iraqi Relief and Reconstruction Fund and built by a local Iraqi construction company. Of the 317 IRRF-funded school projects in the northern region of Iraq , 315 are complete and two are in progress.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers participated as the Contracting and Construction Management and Quality Assurance of the over-all project.
Multi-National Force Iraq
Despite what you may read in the MSM or see on the alphabet soup of news channels, there is good news coming out of Iraq. This is but one story. I will continue to share the good news because it is just as important, if not more so than the slanted bad news views the MSM feeds us on a minute-by-minute basis!

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